I absolutely love this passage, as he basically states that some may say that we as christians are 'out of our minds'...and he doesn't deny it, but basically says, ' if we are gonna be out if our minds, it best be for God!' But in order for us to be recognized as out of our minds for God, we have to be standing out from the crowd. Noone can know a man is crazy, if he is just sitting quietly...you only know it when he opens his mouth and starts talking...in just the same way, noone will know that we are crazy for God, if we don't speak up, noone can know we are a new creation, if we don't live it and talk it!
We are a new creation! A NEW CREATION! Non believers may not be able to get their heads around it, hence they think we are out of our minds...but that is the perfect opportunity to say 'yeah, I'm crazy, but at least I am crazy for God!' How many times do you meet a new person, have a chat, then come away without them even knowing youre a.Christian? How many opportunities have you missed?
Don't be afraid to let people see that youre out of your mind for Him, show them what you are living for, tell them of all the amazing things He has done for you...today may be your last chance to share that joy, it may be their last chance to hear it!
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